I'm pretty sure my posts are following an exponential curve. I really hope I can fix that next semester with a little self discipline.
As of yesterday I am done with all of my midterms for this semester. All I have left is my Bacteriology laboratory final exam as well as four final exams for my four classes (Pathology 1, Bacteriology, Virology and Pharmacology 1).
This semester feels like it has gone by extremely fast (at least compared to the other two I have for reference). Of course that happens I guess with monotony throughout your weeks. Wake up, class, eat, study, bed. I definitely haven't gone out that much this semester. I'm hoping to also fix that next semester. I think the fear of failure in 3rd has driven me to enjoy very little downtime between studying. Virology contains so much material that a good portion of the people that fail a class at Ross, usually fail this class.
Ok now I'm done complaining about 3rd. What are some good things you say? Well, I'm finally learning things relevant to medicine. We'll learn about an infectious agent in Viro or BacT, and then learn about a disease process (pathophysiology) that occurs because of that agent. It's nice being able to draw relevance to something being learned as opposed to just brute force memorization because it's "important for your profession." Now all I have to do is keep it all straight in my head for the exam... and for NAVLE boards.
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