So the carnival went pretty well. The turn out wasn't as good as we had hoped but one of the semesters had block exams(3 exams back to back) that monday and I believe another had another exam later that next week.
I feel though that everyone that attended had a blast. We had a bouncy house and carnival games for the kids, BBQ for the hungry, and beer gardens for the thirsty. The beer gardens even had a life sized "beer pong" table using 55gal drums.
Human sized Beerpong or more correctly stated "Beiruit" as there are no paddles involved. |
The class was also able to get a hold of some wonderful raffle prizes they gave away as well as a wonderful donation for some of our professors...A Pie the Professor Raffle!!!
Our Bacteriology professor Dr. Soto even allowed us to draw two names just to make it a little more interesting. He is one of the best sports. Another professor Dr. Belle Nibblett got the wonderful opportunity of letting me pie her in the face. We won't have her until next semester for Mechanisms of Disease where I'm pretty sure she'll find some way of paying me back ;-)
Our old anatomy professor Dr. Spencer also showed up with her child and allowed us to use her as another pie target. Overall I think it was a great success. Not necessarily a financial success as it was a big risk running this event. However a success nonetheless. Especially when you figure there were two students in our class that were planning the entire event outside of studying for one of the most difficult semesters in our program. They definitely deserve a very large pat on the back for doing such a wonderful job on a very fun filled Saturday afternoon.
Jess repping her 7th. |
I'm probably going to regret this in a few weeks ;-) |
So that was last Saturday. It will probably be awhile until my next post as Finals are coming up and 3rd semester is one of those "constant fear of failure" semesters, at least for me it is. It definitely keeps you on your toes.
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