Saturday, June 2, 2012

Starting vet school out with a bAng!

Wow have I been busy!  This post may seem like a stream of consciousness, because it is.  I'm taking a "mental break" from studying neurotransmitter receptors to write this down.

So just took my first exam of veterinary school monday...histology.  I got an A!  Not a bad way to start vet school off.  Only a few weeks in and I've got myself into a nice little schedule.  Class, study, eating, and sleeping like clockwork.  Now just need to find the energy for 10 more weeks.  I'm hoping great friends and Friday night beach time will help.

I can't believe I've already been here over a month!  I have a feeling the next 10 weeks is going to fly by, and probably most of vet school when I look back on this in a few years.

I have two exams next week, physiology and gross anatomy.  Not too worried about my physiology exam.  I have found most of it to be review and in less detail than undergrad physiology classes, thank you undergrad neuro and physio professors for your awesome teaching skills! You know who you are.

Anatomy on the other hand I'm starting to freak out a little bit.  There's just sooooooooooooo much information to pack into such a short amount of time.  The names of all of the bony protuberances on the fore limb bones and hind limb bones.  As well as the names, attachments, and actions of each of the muscles in each of those two limbs.  Plus, all of the ligaments of those two limbs.  Ok so get all of that done for the canine limbs, now learn about the differences in the equine(horse) as well as bovine(cow) limb for which there are a few.  One interesting thing I learned is that horses basically walk on the "tippy toes" of their middle fingers.  Yes, horses are constantly flipping you off as they walk.  Cattle walk on their "middle and ring" finger tips similarly.  Just one of the many many many differences between difference animal species.

I'm understanding the thought process now behind the statement used here on the island, "Real Doctors work on multiple species."  Although I really don't like this statement as human doctors are pretty awesome and if I had the choice between a veterinarian and a human doctor, I will probably would want a human doctor...most of the time.